Within the next few months, tremendous pressure will be exerted upon Israel to accept the idea of Jerusalem becoming an "international city." The United Nations passed a resolution in 1949 calling for the Holy City to assume such a status, including 100 square miles around Jerusalem. The Vatican was behind this vile idea. But why should the eternal capital of Israel be disputed? Especially by those who profess to believe the Bible? What is the agenda of those who will increasingly demand Jerusalem be surrendered to international control? Supposedly, even the most liberal Jews are against any division of Jerusalem, but certain Jews will sell out their people and state, falling for European lies of peace and security. Meanwhile, Europe flatters those kapos of compromise, stroking their egos with political attention, promising them a prominent place in the "New Jerusalem" while setting Israel up for a fall. Such bloody fools are nothing more than cheap prostitutes who'll get dumped in the ditch! What other country would allow others to decide where their capital can be? What other country would contemplate surrendering their sovereigny to foreigners? Beware any German moves into the Middle East! After this peace process falls apart (once the violent argument starts over Jerusalem's final status), Europe will take over where America leaves off, waging a NEW CRUSADE called "peace". They'll deceitfully enter Jerusalem under the guise of good intentions, but actually they'll backstab and betray both Arab and Jew! Apparently, Prime Minister Peres will follow Arafat's lead in this danse macabre, asking the Europeans to mediate and flood the area with "peace-keeping" troops. However, such drastic actions will pave the way for war! The pope is not a Prince of Peace, but a clever politician. The Vatican wants Jerusalem for itself and will enlist Europe's help in obtaining it - by force if necessary. Germany still considers itself the "Defender of the Faith". One only need look at the mess in the former Yugoslavia to see what havoc Germany and the Vatican can wreak. Jerusalem is already an international city - under Israeli sovereignty, as it should be. Israel doesn't need outsiders meddling in their politico-religious affairs. Freedom of access to religious sites has been guaranteed - for the first time - for all faiths. (The notable exception being that Jews and Christians continue to suffer religious discrimination at the Temple Mount where they are forcibly prevented from praying or reading the Bible, even though no law forbids them). The Bible - not the Koran - has made Jerusalem famous around the world. Jerusalem isn't even mentioned once in the Koran! Jerusalem has been the capital hill of Israel, not Ishmael. No other people, country or religion can honestly claim that. King David, the greatest Jewish king in history, declared Jerusalem to be the political and spiritual center for Israel and Judah. In fact, the celebration of Jerusalem 3000 is in full-swing now, marking the anniversary of Jerusalem's liberation by David. Festivities, concerts and more are scheduled for the entire year, expected to draw multiple thousands. Recently there has been much talk about moving the American embassy to Jerusalem. Hopefully we'll see some action soon, but the greatest embassy we should work toward settling in Jerusalem is the Embassy of the Eternal. The Bible declares that Jerusalem will become an international city - under the United Kingdom of Israel. When the Third Temple is built - and it will be shortly - it will be consecrated as a House of Prayer for all nations. People will eagerly arrive from the far ends of the earth to learn about Israel's God and study His marvelous ways. International representatives will come and celebrate the Biblicl holy days, trashing their former vain traditions. This is the divine will and plan for Jerusalem. It's been called to become the "City of the Great King" and house the Temple of our God. We're to pray that Jerusalem fulfill this holy calling. Only when the Temple Mount is restored as the Temple Mount will there be any lasting peace. Until that wonderful time, the Temple Mount will increasingly become a mountain of troubles. Therefore, the two mosques (the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aksa) - those militant obstacles to the true peace process - must go. They're symbols of foreign occupation and will soon be history. The sooner we recognize this fact the better. Any attempts to deny this reality or enforce contrary ideas upon Jerusalem and Israel will invite disaster. Such misguided actions will meet a miserable end. Jerusalem has the potential to ignite World War or usher in World Peace. Before it becomes the "City of Gold," it could become red with the blood of every nation. To prevent such a slaughter, we need to understand that a united Jerusalem must remain, without apology, the eternal capital of Israel alone. May our leaders stand strong on this life and death issue, refusing to bow before international pressure. Now, more than ever, we need statesmen not self-seeking politicians. Thankfully, some will rise to the occassion, testify to this truth and defend Israel's honor. (By David Ben-Ariel, author of BEYOND BABYLON:Europe's Rise and Fall; published in the January issue of The Traveller, P.O. Box 32232, Jerusalem, Israel).